As mentioned on my main Blog, I'm going to be hosting a monthly book discussion here. The first book will be Susan Cooper's King of Shadows
If you're interested in participating and haven't already told me so via comments on Scholar's Blog, please let me know here. Comments are moderated on my Blogs (owing to Spammers), so you won't see your comments appearing immediately, but I check my email regularly for notification of comments being posted. Do bear in mind that I'm in the UK, so in a different time zone to most of you (but I don't sleep much so I'm here early in the morning my time, when it's still late evening in the US !)
Please note also that everyone is welcome to participate and that neither an English degree or a specialist knowledge in children's literature is necessary - just a love of children's books and of good conversations. Discussion of King Of Shadows will begin here on February 6.
Oh and if you're curious, I will be initiating a discussion of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in due course - I'll probably schedule it for the month after publication !
I would like to join in the book discussion too!
Excellent ! Welcome aboard...
I would love to join the discussion. Love Susan Cooper.
Welcome Gwendolyn.
Count me in -- Susan Cooper is one of my favorite authors but haven't read this title (yet)!
Good to have you on-board Catherine.
Read it today!
I hope you enjoyed it ! I'm looking forward to our discussion.
Hi! I'd be interested in some of the future discussions. I'm too late for February (don't even own the book), but I might participate in others.
Actually, Elizabeth, you're by no means too late - the discussion can continue, even after the discussion of the next book begins. There's no time limit to participation! However, if you can get hold of Penelope Lively's The House In Norham Gardens the discussion for that will start on March 6.
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